Speakers and Artists

Sally Baucke
Comedian / Motivational Speaker
Keynotes & Comedy
Medical, Corporate & Ministry Events
"Taking Humor & Hope to the Next Level"
Author ... What Didn't Kill Me Made Me Funny!
Always Funny ... Always Clean ... Never Mean
Travels from Ohio


( Inspiration + Comedy = Inspire-omedy! )
Inspire-omedy is a term I coined in 2008 when I sat down to write a mission statement about my comedy and keynotes.
Humor is a wonderful thing, but comedy for the sake of comedy left me longing.
By that time I had performed enough to know that humor has an AMAZING POWER to inspire like a breath of fresh air!
So I made up a word to convey that while I love to entertain my audiences, I need to leave my audiences feeling uplifted, inspired, and encouraged!




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Sally Baucke is not ordinary.  She is extraordinarily funny with the heart and intelligence to deliver humor in a way that hammers home life-changing truth!  But, she is not ordinary!!!
Ken David
Speaker, Author, Communicator Coach
Sally is LOL Funny!
Dr. Kevin Lehman
Author and Speaker
Sally is my go-to comedian when I need to hire someone for an event.  She strategically weaves messages that matter into her routines so people get way more from their time with her than they realize in the moment.  Sally knows that laughter can cement truth.  That's why she turns phrases, tells stories, and jokes like she does.  Her vulnerability, approachability, and big joy allow people to relax, connect, learn, and laugh.  Time with Sally is powerful and beneficial.
Dr. Kathy Koch
Founder, Celebrate Kids, Inc.
Co-Founder, Ignite the Family
With Sally ... what you see is what you get!  Fun!  Sally is a REAL woman with a great talent for making simple things funny!
Sandra Vogel, PhD
I loved your gig at the Chico Evangelical Free Church.  Every family except maybe three in the Paradise E Free Church lost their homes in the Camp Fire.  You were a highlight.  It felt so good to belly laugh and have tears of laughter wetting my cheeks instead of tears of loss.  Thank you so much!
Lorraine Schultz
Chico, California
Sally Baucke has encouraged our church with her humor, inspiration and love at multiple events.  Through her comedy, she brings joy and a message of hope in Jesus Christ.
Jennine Ulibarri
Director of Women's Ministries
La Casa de Cristo
Scottsdale, Arizona
If you want hilarious, clear comedy with a lot of encouragement AND  side of glitter, Sally is it!!  She has an amazing ability to laugh us through our everyday lives and the struggles we all face with a heart for life and a passion for laughter ... definitely the best show around!!!  I love Funny Gal Sal!!
Darci Volsten
Wells, Minnesota

I had no idea that my laughter was lacking until I heard Sally!  When she was on stage, living life with us, I actually got to "get out of my own head" for a bit and just have some pure and joyful laughing!  With multiple lists, meetings, activities, and kids taking up most of my time, it was a pure unfiltered JOY to just sit back, listen, and laugh with her!  So thankful she uses her God-given gift of bringing laughter!

Sarah Fisher
Morton, Illinois




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