Speakers and Artists
Brown, Roz

Roz Brown
Faith-Based and Corporate
Conference Speaker
Faith-Based Speaking Focus:
Single Mothers; Parenting
Corporate Speaking Focus:  Customer Care
Author of
So You Wanna Be a Helpmeet? ...
Act Like a Godly Woman and Think Like Christ
Legacy in Poetry:  Inspirational Poetry and Devotional
I Will Never Leave Thee Nor Forsake Thee:
A Study Guide For The Single Mom

Travels from Missouri
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Roz Brown's desire is to ignite a spark of faith in Christ in every person she meets and, in particular, to encourage, empower and enhance the lives of single moms from all walks of life.
I Will Never Leave Thee Nor Forsake Thee is a voice of Godly wisdom and advice for single moms, as well as a practical tool for churches and any group desiring to encourage single moms with Bible-based truth.  Roz' message by a single mom to single moms tackles real-life issues that single moms face every day - the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Single moms have the responsibilities of a family, and with or without supportive family and friends, every single mom needs the encouragement that Roz provides to become the mother and woman God has called her to be.  Roz provides practical, Biblical principles to help these moms raise their families, and she dives headlong into tough issues like forgiving the absent parent, time management, finances, courtship v. dating, and much more.
Her high-demand speaking topic and latest book, So You Wanna Be A Help Meet - Then Act Like a Godly Woman and Think Like Christ, does not shy away from topics that every woman faces daily in society, television, social media, and conversations with friends.  Roz is bold and blunt in her Bible-based response to the very real issues of sexuality, homosexuality, dating in our promiscuous and sex-obsessed society, purity, marriage, and commitment.  Roz goes where many pastors and ministry leaders fear to tread ... and they appreciate her for doing so from the perspective of a Godly woman of authority.
As a speaker and writer, Roz is known for her candid content delivered with authority and with a dose of humor.  Her counter-culture messages are full of eternal principles of Scripture to encourage, enhance, and educate women.  Roz does not bow to current trends, common behavior, society's view of acceptable relationships, or the latest fashion.  Conference audiences and readers can never again blame their issues or their sins on their neighbor, a man, the culture, media, friends, or even their upbringing - exposure to Roz' message brings new knowledge of indisputable truth.
Roz Brown is the founder of Brighter Day Ministry, a support organization for single moms.  She ministers the Word of God as a conference speaker, Sunday school teacher, television personality, and published author.  Roz Brown was named Mulher Magazine's 2016 Woman of the Year.  She was also the recipient of the 2011-2012 Outstanding Women Leader of the Year by Raytown Women of Today.  She is an active member of her church and serves as Director of Women's Ministries.

Speaking Topics Include . . .
Bye Bye Baggage
You'll learn the importance of getting rid of the baggage in your life that weighs you down, such as unforgiveness, pride, procrastination, and fear.  Hebrews 12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," Bye Bye Baggage gives you an opportunity to say good bye to the old and truly usher in the new as God transforms your mind to the truth of all the wonderful treasures that await you when you truly say "BYE BYE" to old baggage.
Expectations of Life
What is healthy expectation?  How can women balance all the expectations in life God's Way?  What are your own expectations in life?  Are they realistic?  Roz discusses the expectations placed on women by husbands, children, jobs, church, extended family, and friends.  When expectations hit us from every direction every day, balance is key to healthy expectations.  Roz teaches how to balance life's expectations God's way - - and she does it with a dose of humor!
Forgiveness!!  God's Freedom to a Fresh Start in Life
Did you know that harboring unforgiveness in your heart can make you physically ill?  This has been scientifically proven, but God has proved that you can learn to fogive even in the most difficult situations of life.  Roz has personally lived this, she has learned important lessons, and she openly shares her journey of learning to forgive as God commands even in the most crushing circumstances.  Reared by her grandmother and growing up believing that no one loved her, not even God at times, Roz felt betrayed and abandoned by family and friends until God showed her what forgiveness looks like up close and personal.  Roz bares her soul as she shares her personal journey from unforgiveness to freedom.
Single Mom - The Strong Motivator
Every single mom has experienced the challenges that come with that title - - the sleepless nights and the guilt you feel because it seems that a vital part of your family is missing.  In her Single Mom - The Strong Motivator presentations, Roz tackles those issues.  She has experienced these challenges herself and has relied on Colossians 2:10 ... And ye are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers.  No one said the life of a single mom would be easy but Jesus said he would never leave you nor forsake you.  Being a single mom is a strong motivator.  Single moms know they must be strong - there is no choice - but through Christ and not by yourself!  God takes single motherhood, something that society still snubs their noses at, and gives you victory in the midst of your struggles and in securities.
Preparing the Way with the 4 P's in Parenting
Parenting at its best is scary.  We can be so unsure of what we are doing on a daily basis.  From the moment a couple realizes that they are going to be parents, the panic sets in.  It starts with naming the child.  In about twenty seconds we've already gone through their entire life, before the baby even arrives!  Rearing children is not for the faint of heart.  Roz shares 4 P's of parenting:  Pray, Protect, Provide and Plan.  The Bible has all the tools and solutions, and Roz shares those practical biblical answers, using stories from her own journey beginning with how God used these same tools to take care of His own son Jesus.  Knowing and applying Roz' 4 P's of parenting means you will parent different with different, more positive, results.
Putting the Care Back in Customer Service
Most people today laugh at the concept of customer service ... it's a voice on a phone reading  a script, a typed message on a computer screen, a recorded voice message.  Automated responses is what we now call customer service.  No one really believes this is true customer service - - so is this a number's game?  True customer service that includes customer care must involve actual humans.  These are crucial times when people want to connect with another person.  Ros has worked in the customer service arena for more than thirty years.  Her vast experience includes commercial insurance, hospital contact centers, and owning her own resale shop.  She understands that true connection with another person is a quality that automation just can't replace nor should we try!  The bottom line is great customer service does not come from an automated system that tries to emulate the personality of a person yet does not understand feelings.  Roz puts the care back into great customer service.  She explains when automation is acceptable and when it will cost you a customer - - which affects your business's bottom line.

Testimonials . . .
"My beautiful friend Roz Brown's love for the Lord and His Word is actually bigger than her amazing heart-warming smile!  Please be in prayer for her as she strives to impart God's Word into women's lives and hearts.  I can tell you ... that [she] is a woman who has taken God at His Word and He completely transformed her.  She is obedient to Him ... even in the hard places.  What He has done for others, He can do for you too!  Roz is loving proof."
Cindy Brooks
Pastors' Wife


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