Speakers and Artists
Davis, Erin

Erin Davis
A New Generation of Biblical Truth
Bible Teacher
Conferences, Retreat
More About Erin Davis at
Speaking Inquiries

Erin Davis is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God’s Word.  She is the author of 14 books and Bible studies.
Erin serves as content manager for Revive Our Hearts and hosts the Women of the Bible podcast and Grounded videocast.  Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast.  When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and her four adorable boys on her small farm in the Midwest.

"Erin is a gifted communicator who speaks biblical truth in a challenging and effective way.  She was humorous yet focused, and her authenticity allowed her to connect quickly with our students and gain their attention."
John Montgomery
Dean of Spiritual Life
California Baptist University
"We recently had the privilege of having an event featuring Erin Davis, and we cannot recommend her highly enough as a speaker.  Erin possesses a unique ability to connect with her audience through her deep understanding of scripture and authentic storytelling!
"From the moment Erin took stage, it was clear that her passion for Christ and His message was at the forefront of everything she shared.  Erin has a remarkable way of weaving biblical principles into practical advice and encouraging all of us to live out our faith in everyday life.  
"Erin, you are a blessing to so many around you and you really know how to fill the room with joy.  We thank you for speaking at the Soul Food Conference and for being a shining example of Christ’s love.  Your wisdom and your faith are inspiring. "
Kaitlyn Wagter
The Soul Food Conference
Redeemer University, Ancaster, Ontario
"Erin has an uncommon grasp on what goes on in our minds as women and girls.  She knows that the messages this world sends us about beauty create a battlefield in our minds."
Dannah Gresh
Bestselling Author
"Erin Davis has emceed the teen track for True Woman conferences since the beginning.  One of the reasons is because she has a deep passion to reach and minister to young girls.  Erin's heart of honesty and transparency is getting girls to the Gospel!  Through the openness of her life message, they begin to see and hear about Jesus, and how a personal relationship with Him changes everything!  Erin not only knows the Word of God, she lives the Word of God.  Her intentionality for reaching the next generation is contagious!"
Monica Vaught
Event Manager
Revive Our Hearts
"Erin Davis has been a guest speaker at our Senior High Youth Graffiti weekend and was our speaker at our fall women's fellowship for women high school age and older.  Being part of the Women's Ministry and Youth Ministry Leadership, we are always looking for speakers who are solid Biblically, authentic and transparent in their teaching.  Erin more than meets this criteria and adds humor, tears, and heartfelt struggles that every young girl and woman faces in dealing with beauty to their identity in Christ.  She has a gifting to speak to women of all ages from teens to older women.  She is refreshing in her honesty of personal struggles in her life that encourage others to be real with one another and take off the masks of perfection.  She encourages women to seek Jesus Christ as their source for satisfaction and live by His TRUTH and not by the lies of the enemy.  She has wisdom beyond her years directly from the Lord."
Chrissie Hastoglis
Women & Youth Ministry Leadership
Calvary Chapel Central Bucks
"Easy to work with, Erin was prayed up and prepared for our 'Radiant Daughters of the King' event.  Her laid back style of speaking draws participants in as she teaches Biblical truths.  Laced with fun, personal anecdotes, she addresses topics relevant to a diverse audience.  Erin's heart for God and girls made us all want to know 'When can we do this again?'"
Vera Copeland
Event Coordinator
"Erin Davis is a valued speaker, writer, communicator and friend of Revive Our Hearts.  Her passion and enthusiasm for God's word and His people, especially young women, is a blessing.  She continues to be an integral part of our messaging team"
Michael Neises
Senior Director of Events
Revive Our Hearts
"My family does not come before ministry.  My family is my first ministry.  Erin's book is a reminder to all moms that raising children well with joy is ministry and the single best way to reach the next generation with God's truth."
Josh McDowell
Bestselling author and speaker
"In a 'childless by choice' world that measures a woman's worth by her contribution to the paid workforce, motherhood is all too often set aside or given second-class status.  But look out ... here comes Erin Davis!  She's on a mission to show you that motherhood matters and that being a mom might just be the most important thing you'll ever do.  If you're a Gen-Xer who's swallowed the pop culture Kool-Aid, you need to read this book - and consider if the hand that rocks the cradle does, in fact, rule the world!"
Mary Kassian
Author, Girls Gone Wise
"Erin is a fresh, clear voice with a timely message, developed in the laboratory of life with God's Word in hand."
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Author, Host of Revive Our Hearts radio
"She has brought to light truths that will impact you and your family for life.  Thank you, Erin, for challenging us even in the seemingly mundane, to capture a big vision picture of motherhood.  Motherhood matters because it is the heart of God."
Wes and Carrie Ward
Just an everyday dad and mama, and
Revive Our Hearts' senior director of media (him!) and
author of Together:  Growing Appetites for God (her!)
"What we often encounter about motherhood seems to be a caricature of real life.  Either it's the unattainable super-mom of the advertising industry or the unbelievably inconvenienced cranky mom of sitcoms.  Fortunately, Erin Davis gives us a real portrait.  But more importantly, she doesn't stay grounded in the daily experience of our lives here. She points us to the eternal purpose of motherhood - purposes that all women share, whether or not we've actually given birth.  Read this book to be encouraged, strengthened, and committed to God's wisdom in the beauty of motherhood."
Carolyn McCulley
Author of Radical Womanhood:  Feminine Faith in a Feminist World
and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?  Trusting God With a Hope Deferred
"She hands out good doses of practical help and encouragement while inviting mothers to join her in the high and holy battle."
Kimberly Wagner
Author of Fierce Women:  The Beauty of a Soft Warrior
"Our event with Erin was absolutely fabulous!  We are already talking about her coming back next year!  Our ladies are still talking about her deep dive into the Bible and how needed that was for all of us!  We loved Erin!  A beautiful speaker in many ways."
Terry and Rebecca Meshaw
Liberty Church, Wilmington, North Carolina
"It was a blessing to have Erin Davis come and speak for our church Women's Retreat.  She exuded the Holy Spirit.  She seemed to fit right in with our ladies and was both bold and unassuming.  What she taught was directly from scripture and we left encouraged to spend time in God's word and with God's people.  All of the logistics of having Erin come were smooth as well.  Stacy was a joy to talk to.  She helped us navigate the details and provided any information we needed.  Everything was straightforward and went as planned.  We have nothing but gratitude for the ministry of Erin Davis and the administration of Stacy Robinson!"
Audrey Ross
Metolius Friends Community Church, Oregon
"Erin Davis is so awesome.  I could never say how thankful we are that she came to be part of our conference.  She is genuinely a gracious, precious child of God.  What a message she brought.  Hands down the favorite of the crowd.  I know I have a new friend and sister in Christ."
Wanda Pate
Director of 'Women of the Word'
South Shelby Baptist  Church
Shelby, Alabama
“Stacy, what an amazing conference!  Erin’s teaching went straight to the hearts of the ladies with many saying their lives are changed.  To sum it all up:  We laughed, we cried, lives were changed!  Thank you for your assistance in scheduling Erin for our event; you made the whole experience easy to navigate.”
Sonya Hines
Women’s Ministry Director


More About Erin Davis at
Speaking Engagements:



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