Speakers and Artists
Tiede, Vicki

Vicki Tiede
Travels from Minnesota
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Vicki Tiede's passion is to open the Scriptures with women in order to share God's grace and enduring faithfulness.  She transparently relates life experiences that resonate and draw  women into a lifelong pursuit of knowing God.

Vicki's candor and humor are a delight to her audiences, who feel that they've met a new friend moments after she begins sharing a glimpse into her life.  She consistently points her audiences back to God's Word and presents fresh insights into the Scriptures.

Vicki is a wife, homeschooling mom, and the coordinator of women's ministries in her local church. Vicki holds master's degrees in ministry and in education.

Vicki is the author of . . .

Plug Me In and Let Me Charge Overnight

When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography ... Healing Your Wounded Heart

Parenting On Your Knees ... Prayers and Practical Guidance for Parents of Preschoolers

Parenting On Your Knees ... Prayers and Practical Guidance for Parents of School-age Children

Parenting On Your Knees ... Prayers and Practical Guidance for Parents of Teenagers

Parenting On Your Knees ... Prayers and Practical Guidance for Parents of Adult Children

Vicki is a contributing author of . . .

Kisses of Sunshine for Women

Kisses of Sunshine for Grandmothers

A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers

A Cup of Comfort Devotional of Women in the Bible

A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters

Click Here to Listen to Vicki's Interview
With Talk Radio Host Dottie Coffman

Speaking Topics Include . . .

Healing and Pornography Talks
Some of these talks can be presented for a general audience with healing and forgiveness in mind.

Finding Hope ~ When Pornography is Unveiled in Your Marriage
The news was hard enough - the person closest to you in the world, your life partner, is struggling with pornography.  But now, although the shock might have worn off, you are still reeling - feeling shattered, betrayed, alone.  Where do you turn?  Who do you turn to?  Vicki Tiede, speaking from personal experience, reminds women that no matter how they are feeling right now, they are not alone.  We can turn to the God of all comfort and hope who promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Surrender Opens the Door for Healing
Regardless of the specific situation, the fact remains that we must surrender being a pleaser and harboring control, fear, guilt, and anger before spiritual healing can take place.  Vicki reminds audiences that though it may be difficult to pry our fingers off any of these five issues, God will not let go of us, and surrender opens the door for healing.

Trust?  You've Got to Be Kidding
Trust is the first casualty of betrayal in a marriage.  Vicki points her listeners to what God has to say about trust.  Then she helps create a picture of what healthy trust might look like in a marriage and she equips her audience to work toward that end.

Picking Up the Damaged Pieces of Your Identity:
When You're Competing with Digitally Enhanced Images
Vicki calls women to embrace God's design for them, rather than measuring themselves against the images their spouses may have lusted after.

Brokenness Begins with Me
Though it is much easier to point a shaming finger at someone else, for true spiritual healing to occur we must first take an honest look at our own hearts.  Vicki challenges women to address their own personal areas of brokenness, especially the tendency to be controlling and/or critical.  She reminds her audiences that we choose whether we are going to grow through the experience of sexual betrayal or simply go through the experience.

Unraveling Forgiveness When Your
Husband is Entangled in Pornography
What in the world does forgiveness look like in a marriage when pornography has seemingly messed up everything?  Vicki untangles this difficult subject as she talks about choosing forgiveness.  She reminds women that forgiving does not mean forgetting, it is not vengeful, and it may need to be repeated should there by reoccurrences of the sin behavior.

Pornography?  Not in My House
That's what most women think until they are met with the truth that pornography has in fact infiltrated the safe boundaries of their home and is hauling in loads of baggage.  Vicki shares the hard, cold facts about pornography addiction.  She explains common indicators for identifying whether pornography is an issue in a home and offers concrete help for how to contend with this unwanted house guest.

The Naked Truth About the Woman
Behind the Man Addicted to Pornography
In this message, Vicki encourages women to focus their eyes on the God of Hope and begin a spiritual quest to redefine their lives regardless of their husband's daily choices.  She does not promise overnight healing; rather, she offers tools to help women examine their current stage of grieving and teaches what God's Word has to say about overcoming the painful ramifications of her husband's betrayal, cleansing her mind and heart of the hurtful, and perhaps graphic things she has seen, heard, said, and felt . Vicki points women to passages of Scripture promising that God will meet them exactly where they are in the healing process.

Healing the Wounded Heart
Regardless of the circumstances that resulted in a woman's broken heart, learning to allow God to meet her greatest needs is a long and learned process, a slow dance through brokenness in the arms of the Almighty.  Rooted in the Word of God, Vicki's message walks women through the steps of rediscovering hope, grieving losses, surrendering unproductive responses, and learning to trust in healthy ways.  She shares her confidence that God can and will do beautiful things with the broken pieces of a woman's heart.

The Word Cafe Retreat Package

One Holy Latte to Go, Please!
Most women, at one time or another, feel like the demands of life have sucked the spiritual and emotional enthusiasm right out of them.  They approach their relationships, ministries, and daily responsibilities with about as much pizzazz as cold oatmeal.  In this talk, Vicki challenges women to eliminate attitudes of apathetic mediocrity, reignite their faith, and allow the flame to be fueled by the Spirit's energy, so that they can eagerly embrace their purpose and place in life with holy enthusiasm.

He Brews Fresh Faith
As Christians persevere on a rugged pilgrimage of discipleship in faith, sooner or later we trip over obstacles. Vicki explains how the trials we face do not necessarily define our Christian journey. Instead, learn how we can describe our walk in terms of God, our travelling companion, who accompanies and directs us every step of the way. When we seem to be on an endless journey going in the same direction, we are reminded that He brews fresh faith.

Grace Lessons Retreat Package

P.S. Breathe In, Breathe Out
Learn how prayer can become as natural as the inhale and exhale of a soul in communion with Christ.  Vicki believes there is no better way to learn about prayer and grow strong than to study Jesus' teaching on prayer.

Are You a "Kept" Woman?
In this tender talk, Vicki moves her audience with a message and stories of abiding in Christ, knowing that He will keep that which has been entrusted to Him.  Vicki shares her own story of daily surrender to her heavenly Father.

Help! I've Fallen, but I'm Getting Up with Grace
Have you heard the news?  God doesn't give up on us!  Hallelujah!  In this hope-filled talk, Vicki shares that no matter what your situation is, God is there to pick you up when you've fallen.

Plug Me In Retreat Package

Are you running on fumes?  Vicki will point you and your group to the only true Source of power and energy.  Holy enthusiasm is the natural outcome of a deep relationship with your Creator.  These teachings will look at the examples of Old Testament and New Testament women of the Bible including:
  • The Hemorrhaging Woman
  • The Widow of Zarephath
  • Martha
  • Naomi and Ruth
  • Anna
  • Hannah
These can be presented separately for 6 thirty-minute teachings or combined for 3 one-hour teachings.

Biblical Womanhood Conference

By Design
God provides timeless standards against which every woman can calibrate her life; His plan was by design.  Do you long to live a secure, satisfying, and God-honoring life without looking like a Biblical Barbie doll?  Do you believe that life is a blank canvas and God doesn't intend for us to paint identical pictures?  The possibilities are endless, but there is power in choosing wisely as we balance freedom and opportunity.  Have you thought about what drives the choices you make?  Vicki will share Biblical answer to these questions in this eye-opening message.

A Legacy
Mature Christian women have a responsibility to leave a legacy of faith, by discipling younger women in the Word and ways of God and modelling for the next generation lives of fruitful femininity.  The concepts, words, and truths in the Bible are not just messages for our generation, we need to be passing these on to the next generation - to our children and our grandchildren.  We need to nurture and train the next generation well, so they can in turn enlarge the lives of others.  This is a deep burden of Vicki's heart and through this message, she hopes to share it with you.  Her prayer is that all women are desperate to take the truth that God has given us and pass that baton of faith and truth to the next generation. If we don't, who will?

Rebuilding our Faith: A Study of Nehemiah, Retreat Package

The Book of Nehemiah has two natural divisions.  One focuses on the actual building of the Jerusalem walls while the other describes the shaping of the hearts of God's people.  Walk with Vicki through this timeless book as she helps you identify how Nehemiah, in a Christ-like fashion, led the people forward into completion of their task of building the kingdom of God and how he bravely led them into a deeper walk with God and built a community around Him.  Then prepare to be invigorated as Vicki helps you identify and evaluate your own devotion to God's mission and dedication to spiritual renewal.

God's Leading Ladies - Women's Ministry Training

This one-day training encourages and equips women to use their gifts of leadership in the church.

The following leadership topics are covered:
  • Definition and Calling - Two Views of Women in Ministry
  • Qualities, Lifestyle, and Delegation
  • Power, Style, and Limitations
  • Conflict Resolution - especially, how to work with people who are just plain difficult
  • Communication Skills
  • Team Building and the 5 Dysfunctions of Team
  • Juggling Ministry and Personal Life
  • A Leader's Praise, Legacy, and how not to serve a "Life Sentence" of Leadership in one area

Habits of a Woman's Heart

Scripture is clear; we must intentionally seek God as the source of our ability to accomplish everything that He wills, because it is out of the overflow of a heart that abides in Christ that ministry happens.  In this presentation, Vicki will show us how to cultivate habits of the heart, which result in such an overflow.

Fruit of the Spirit Retreat Package

Got Fruit?
Prepare to answer this question as Vicki explores the Fruit of the Spirit, and together we wield our mirrors and don our fruit inspector badges.  We will identify God's spiritual fruit within us with tenderness and humor.

The Gardener's Market: Specializing in Fresh Fruit
When you abide in the hands of God, the Master Gardener, you will enjoy a bountiful harvest of blessings.  Vicki will share how God longs to cultivate and grow the Fruit of the Spirit in the garden of your heart.  Discover how to produce fresh fruit, which sells God to a world starving for His love.

Parenting on Your Knees ~ Prayers and Practical Guidance for Parents

In the unique seasons of parenting, there are many obstacles to overcome in order to spend time with God.  Vicki offers hope and encouragement to parents of preschool, school age, and teenage children as they learn to scale the walls and approach Christ's throne on behalf of their children.

Lifestyle Evangelism...a.k.a. Chickens Anonymous

With warmth and humor, Vicki tackles the fear of sharing one's faith and offers a simple, practical method for talking to friends and family about Jesus without ruffling feathers or laying an egg.

Stressfully Leaping Life In a Single Bound

This talk will equip you and encourage you if the "S" on your chest has changed from "SuperWoman" to "Super Stressed." Vicki offers Biblical truths, practical solutions, and a good dose of laughter for managing stress in your life.

Twinkle! (Christmas)

Vicki's message shines, blinks, glimmers, and guides wise women to their Savior, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas.  In the midst of holiday bustle, Twinkle! points women back to their first love, and reminds them to shine like stars in the universe.

Sweet Blessings:
Lessons I've Learned from My Friends & Chocolate

Get ready to be entertained as Vicki shares the sweet morsels of friendship and the life and faith lessons that we learn from our friends.  These blessings are as varied as a box of chocolates, but are just as sweet!

Plug Me In and Let Me Charge Overnight

Have your spiritual batteries run low?  Invite Vicki to share with your group how to recharge with holy enthusiasm by plugging into the Source of our energy and zeal.  Vicki recently completed the manuscript for a nonfiction book by this title.  Her enthusiasm for this subject is contagious.  She shares how God provides the resources we need to balance our relationships, ministries, work, and mundane daily tasks.  Women will be challenged to be fueled by their relationship with Jesus, so that they can eagerly embrace their purpose and place in life with a God-glorifying attitude, energy, and passion. . . that is, with holy enthusiasm.

Testimonials . . .

"Vicki is a wonderful speaker. Everyone enjoyed her enthusiasm and encouragement. The SuperWoman talk is exactly what today's stressed out women need to hear. Vicki is excellent!"
Amy Schultz

"I especially appreciated a seminar that I attended recently entitled, 'Chicken Anonymous'. It was so well-conceived & presented. I have taken most every evangelism course in existence over many years; this was the most simple & succinct of any I've encountered. Vicki did a marvelous job of teaching it in such a way that I can still remember most of it."
Lynn Madison, Women's Ministry Leader

Vicki was our keynote speaker and captured the hearts of women, igniting them to live out the character of Christ in every circumstance of life. She is a dynamic speaker, clearly gifted by the Holy Spirit to touch women. She is personable, relational and leans heavily on biblical principles. Women commented on her ability to speak as if she knew exactly what was going on inside their hearts. She left a mark - an unmistakable mark of being used by God for His purpose.
Vicki shared with us her gift of teaching by ministering to our souls. She is a blessing.
Betty Juntune EFCA, Women's Leadership Conference Hosted by EFCA, North Central District

"Vicki was amazing! Oh, not just as "Superwoman" but in the way that she entertained, enlightened and touched the ladies in our group. One minute they had heartfelt tears and the next minute the room was alive with laughter. Vicki Tiede inspires and ignites! Everyone loved her!"
Jill Krieger Swanson, Image Stylist/Speaker/Author

"The message [you] delivered and the theme and message we prepared for the evening were so close that it was hard to believe we had not consulted with each one another.  The scriptures shared were identical and the message of the Star was so what our theme "Beneath the Star" was all about.  Women were blessed!  And lives were challenged to follow their star to Christ.  We should never underestimate the power of God to move in lives and hearts.  We loved having you Vicki!  What a joy and inspiration you are.  I used to sing, and one of my favorite songs to sing was, "Life is Hard, but God is Good."  It never fails to amaze me how God can make something wonderful out of something so broken.  I appreciate your openness and willingness to share your testimony.  Women sometimes think they are all alone in their agony and it helps to know that someone else has been through the same experience, and God has hope for them if we turn to him.  God really is there for all of us. ... Thank you Vicki!  God be with you as you share even more and reach out to other women that God brings into your life. ... P.S. These are Sentiments of all of us on the Committee at Shalom Baptist Church. Thank you!!!!"
Mary, halom Baptist Church

"Vicki was just the person we needed for our Women's Retreat. She touched so many with her honest and caring ways. She shared with us Scriptures and everyday life stories. Vicki spoke to each and everyone like friends, true friends in Christ. Her humor and sincerity blended with the Word of God was inspiring and pracitcal, leaving us refreshed yet challenged. We'd love to have her back again soon!"
Here's what others from this retreat had to say about Vicki:
"Vicki was great. I felt she was speaking just to me for Jesus. I highly recommend her for return events."
"Vicki was very inspiring and knowledgable."
"Vicki's talks were very meaty. Much Scripture. Good insights. Followed the Spirit. Wonderful!"
"Amazing! Truely called by God."
"Vicki was great. I came knowing that I had an empty spot and had been praying. This retreat FILLED it FULL!!!"
Lori Keller, Association Retreat Center

In today's society women are bombarded with conflicting ideas and images about what it means to be a woman. We are told that the Bible's view of womanhood is old fashioned and out of date with our modern times. However God has a clear image of what it is to be a true Biblical woman. Vicki's presentation on "True Biblical Womanhood" gave us that clear image. In her talk Vicki encouraged us to consider God's design in creating us as women, and what it means to pass on that legacy to the next generation. Through laughter and tears we were all challenged to look to what God says about womanhood and not the world. Our morning went all too quickly. Having Vicki speak at our conference was truly a blessing.
Adonna Swart, Women's Ministry Chair, La Crescent Evangelical Free Church

"Vicki spoke at our fall women's breakfast. She is entertaining, inspiring, and motivating. Her message was well received She combines humor and enthusiasm with an important message about God's love. She reminds me of the wonderful speakers I hear every year at the Women of Faith conference."
Pastor Mary Lund, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

"We recently had the pleasure of hosting a spring women's conference with Vicki Tiede as our speaker. As we prayed and prepared, we were certain God was up to something special long before we opened the doors to our event. We were delighted when women from two other states joined us for the weekend - they came in bad weather knowing God had a blessing for them. They were right. Vicki brought a message of grace, mercy, and hope in her Plug Me In and Let Me Charge Overnight messages. Our guests, both local and from away, responded with laughter and tears as God reached deep into their burned out hearts with His renewing power. It was obvious to me that Vicki had poured herself out and allowed God's Spirit to fill her to overflowing. Then, she generously poured His message out all over us."
Joy DeKok, Author

"Vicki, is an excellent speaker! Her talks are heart warming, touching, practical and always leave you thinking. Vicki, is real, honest and humble. The joy of the Lord is evident in her talks, smile and attitude. Vicki was available for counseling, prayer or hugs anytime. If you want to laugh, cry and have your faith deepened and even challenged all at once Vicki is definitely the speaker for your next event!"
Julie M. Maas-Kusske, Director of Youth Ministries, First Presbyterian Church

"Vicki's presentation was everything we had hoped for. Her humor, enthusiasm and genuine openness of spirit allowed our audience to connect in a very special way. Our funny bones were tickled and our hearts were opened. She is a delightful speaker and a 'Sweet Blessing'."
Bev Puterbaugh, Past Regent, Court of Catholic Daughters

"Vicki's retreat package is a breath of fresh air. Her enthusiastic approach to prayer, life lessons and an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father reawakened me to the grace and love God is waiting to bestow on me if I will take the time to sit at His feet and listen. Vicki gives practical tips for making prayer as natural as breathing, and personal testimony to God's Grace Lessons that are displayed in technicolor all around us if we will only look."
Erica Vetsch, Author

"To say Vicki spoke to the hearts of women at our conference is really only half of the truth. The whole truth is that Vicki allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through her to the hearts of women. The ease and confidence she portrayed while speaking showed evidence of her hours of preparing and spending time with God before presenting. Her style is very relational and you feel like you've known her forever after only a few minutes. She truly is a woman of God! Here are some things women said after hearing Vicki speak:
"Keynote speaker was super - good use of humor; it was evident she knew her topic"
"I appreciated the spiritual depth of our speaker"
"Vicki was inspiring and wonderful"
"I loved the (fruit of the spirit) topic; it helps me so much gain a closer relationship with the Lord"
"I appreciate how open and willing she was to share her life with us"
"Really helped me to continue to grow closer to my savior Jesus Christ"
"Vicki's talks were excellent, so freshly presented"
"Vicki shares her real heart for women and growth so well and easily; such a joy"
"She speaks to the needs of daily life with Jesus"
"The stories and professionalism of the speaker were excellent"
Jennifer Jensen, Director of Women's Ministries

"Vicki's 'SuperMom' talk was so amazing!! I don't think I have ever had so much fun going from tears to laughter in my life!!!!!"
Nicole Dewes, Jesus! Assembly of God

"Vicki presented our group with practical tips for organization. She incorporated personal stories, humor, and Scripture to make the ideal of being organized a realistic goal. A fun theme and creative acronym kept the mood light while we learned about a topic that can seem overwhelming. Vicki was a blessing as a guest speaker and is highly recommended."
Linda Davis, First Baptist Church

"For the first time in my life I am proud to be called a 'chicken' since Vicki's presentation at our congregation on 'Chicken Evangelism'. Her very joyful presentation has validated and energized so many of us whose spirit is willing but whose flesh is weak in spreading the Gospel in these times. Vicki shows how to use the very gifts of the public-shy believer to actually carry out the Great Commission. She tranforms what we know we should do into what we actually can do. God has richly blessed her to bless so many of us through her ministry of joy and grace."
Rev. Dave R. Garwick, Christ Lutheran Church

"Vicki first presented to our group two years ago. Her sincere approach and genuine love for Christ touched the heart of every mother in the room. This year, we, the Steering Team, felt a calling to impact and challenge mothers to live their full potential as mothers and daughters of Christ. We invited Vicki to be our first speaker. We knew if we where going to reach the women of our group we would need a dynamic speaker who could see
the humor in life, challenge her audience with love and depth, while glowing from her love and faithfulness to Jesus Christ. Not only did Vicki present a warm, humorous, and powerful presentation, but moms absorbed her grace and faith and left our first meeting refreshed from the renewed joy in their personal walk with Christ"
Susan Arnold, Evangelical Free Church

"If you are looking for a speaker whose message is packed with power, I would definitely recommend contacting Vicki Tiede. Her faith story, with its ups and downs, immediately resonates with people. Why do I say that? Well, Vicki isn't one of those 'Polyanna'-type presenters whose life has been 'perfect' - she has lived a 'real' life with all of its joys and frustrations. And she is able to share with her listeners the message of hope that is theirs in Christ Jesus. Our congregation was inspired by her unique personal journey and how it shaped her strong faith in the Lord."
Pastor Mike Zaske, American Lutheran Church

"I've been involved in Women's Retreats for 20 years - it has been a genuine blessing. Vicki Tiede, this year's guest speaker for our annual retreat, raised the bar for our future weekends! She charmed us with her sense of humor, challenged us with her teaching and left us wanting more. There were many new women in attendance and many shared how comfortable they were and how much they loved Vicki! I give two thumbs up to anyone thinking about including her in your next event.
Mary Lehman, Director of Adult Education, Woodbury Lutheran Church

"Vicki is an active student of the Word, she is a model to today's women to walk and grow in their faith, helping them to apply biblical truths to life's situations. "
Dianne Orth, Calvary Evangelical Free Church

"Vicki Tiede is indeed a 'Sweet Blessing' to women of all ages. She shares delicious stories and heart melting moments in her message about friendships through thick and thin. Grab your girlfriends and get settled in for a fun and inspirational chat about God's gift of laughter and love He gives us friends of all sorts to meet our needs. You will not want to miss her! I've been blessed by hearing several of Vicki's messages at various occasions over the past two years. I am delighted each time! She is an engaging speaker who shares of herself freely with her audience, as though we are close friends. I am amazed when I hear her. Vicki speaks to my very heart. She shares from her heart how knowing the loving, living God has made all the difference in her life. Anyone who can sign her personal e-mails with a the tag-line 'With Holy Enthusiasm' (and mean it)--is a friend I want to have! She is a sweet blessing for certain!"
Mary Meier, Lutheran Women's Missionary League

"Women whose husbands are ensnared in pornography often live isolated lives, feeling powerless to solve the problem, with few if any good options.  Too often they are also burdened by false guilt and feelings of responsibility for the actions of their spouse.  Vicki Tiede experienced this in her first marriage but found healing as she relied on Scripture and the body of Christ.  This book tells her story and provides specific helps for women to understand their situation accurately, respond biblically, and rely on Christ and his people as questions allow readers to explore their own hearts with the Lord.  Tiede is honest, compassionate, realistic, faith-filled, and Scripture-saturated.  Anyone facing this situation - or trying to help those who are, like pastors and elders - should read this book.
Dr. Ron Lutz, Senior Pastor, New Life Presbyterian, Dresher, Pennsylvania

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